Magazine Articles
Many institutions across the country are currently experiencing budget challenges. Each institution approaches the challenges in a different way. Some turn inwardly, communicating only with internal stakeholders, while others look outwardly and choose to communicate only with external constituents. One of LCA’s clients has made a commitment to communicating openly with its internal and external constituents about the challenges it faces and the solutions it is implementing.
Because of the success of its communication strategies — as is evident by the positive feedback from employees, elected officials, employees and community and business leaders — the client requested that LCA assist in drafting an article about effective communication in the face of budget challenges that would be submitted to national publications.
LCA drafted a story pitch, which was accepted by a national business magazine. LCA then worked with the client to draft the actual article, which focused on effective communication strategies and specific examples of communication tactics that the client has implemented to deal with the budget challenges it is facing.
The magazine was so impressed with the article and felt that it reached such a wide audience that it decided to move the article from a column to a more prominent location.
The magazine was so impressed with the article and felt that it reached such a wide audience that it decided to move the article from a column to a more prominent location.